Once again EZ Calling Cards selected among customers best calling card provider in Florida
Released on = February 1, 2007, 7:04 am
Press Release Author = Yeni Ileri USA
Industry = Telecommunications
Press Release Summary = After creating a great brand name in Florida, in 2006 EZ Calling Cards has established its brand name in California. Andy Sanchez (Speaker for EZ Calling Cards) has told us that in 2007 their main target is to improve their quality and more affordable rates for the users.
Press Release Body = "At this point we are growing daily bases and we are very careful in our quality and our customer service. In this business growing is the easy part but keeping up the good customer service is harder. So, we are giving most of our energy to satisfaction of our customers. In Calling card business you hear always complains from customers about fees and extra charges. In our system we have four different plans. In each plan we specifically inform our new buyers about all fees and regulations before they buy our product. For instance, if our new customer would like to buy international calling cards to China, we suggest them to purchase a PLATINUM level calling card. In our Platinum calling card we have ZERO fees in it and they can use it as a long distance provider. The only difference is we don't have any service charge like most of them."
Mr. Sanchez was very optimistic for 2007 and he also talked about their website developments for 2007. He said "at http://www.ezcallingcards.com you can see daily improvements, on the site or in the back end. We work with local and federal authorities at all time and keeping up with the most secure way to provide service to our customers. We have 24/7 security section than checks all the orders one by one and confirming them. This allows us to give our clients to have the most secure way of shopping. We do daily security updates in our website so that our customers can enjoy their shopping with us. We are greatly appreciate to all our customers and looking forward to give them grade A customer service"
Web Site = http://www.ezcallingcards.com
Contact Details = EZCallingCards.com toll free: 1 800 706 9915 Our Office hours are Mon-Sat 8 am to 8 pm EST. Our 24/7 Customer service is available at 1 800 472 9518
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